Monday, September 23, 2024

Card Shop Quarters

I spent yesterday afternoon scanning the remaining cards on my desk and filing them away in my team boxes.  Every time I accomplish this feat, it is bittersweet.  I love being able to say I am all caught up, but I do not like the fact I do not have any trades coming in.  

When I was filing cards away, I realized I had a stack of cards I had forgotten about.  On September 1, my son and I had the chance to visit a new card shop.  My wife and daughter wanted to shop, so we found a shop a few miles from the mall.  The shop was well organized, with showcases organized by sport.  Vintage and modern cards were also separated.  I did not spend much time looking at those, but I did notice a stack of 5000 count boxes.  The owner informed us everything was a quarter, and they were all organized by sport.  That was music to my ears.  We spent close to an hour going through 4 of the boxes.  We pulled 20 cards, most of which were former Cardinals.

There was almost a full box of Donruss parallels.  Not very many that I needed, though.


There were quite a few other Panini parallels.  The Mosaic red Edman is a great looking card.

We managed to find a few needs for a small run of Topps Chrome refractors.

A few Topps parallels, including the only current Cardinal Goldschmidt.  

My favorite card was this 1997 Flair Showcase.  I found a few older premium cards from Showcase, Upper Deck Encore, and SP Legendary Cuts, but only this Young that I needed.

The $5 we spent was cheap entertainment for an hour.  We will most likely visit again, as the shop is in the same town as my daughter's college.  



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