It will be interesting to see what happens to Panini in the next few years. With Fanatics buying up everyone, maybe the days of cards without logos will come to an end before too long. Until then, collectors will have plenty of chances to moan and groan about Panini brands. I do not like the lack of logos but can overlook them to some extent if the design is good. My latest TCDB trade with member BigOinPa delivered 3 different Panini brands. I brand I have seen before, the other 2 are new.
I have another 2021 Contenders Optic in my collection. The chrome finish and color-matched border are nice, but overall it is not a very exciting design.
My first look at 2022 Select cards include 2 base cards and a blue parallel. The base design is very similar to the last few years. Once again nothing to write home about. The blue Edman is not bad. The blue and red border goes well with the baby blue uniform.
The final card is an Icons insert from 2022 Absolute. I could do without the extreme close-up. The card would look so much better with a team logo in the bottom corner, but we know that cannot happen.
The extreme closeup would work better with a logo on the helmet but yes it's unneeded.