Monday, March 21, 2022

Small Card Show Report

This past Saturday was one of the last free ones I will have until the middle of June.  With my son's travel baseball season starting in 2 weeks, leisure time on the weekends will be almost nonexistent.  Saturday also saw a full day of rain, so we decided to make a quick shopping trip.  My wife and daughter were looking for spring clothes, while my son needed a new helmet and bat.  As luck would have it, one of the malls we hit up had a small card show.  

I guess I should not call it luck, as I checked the Beckett show calendar and knew it was going on.  With it only being 30 tables, I was not expecting too much.  I would not have spent the time or money to drive 1.5 hours for a small show, but since we were in the area and had time to kill while the females shopped we spent about an hour looking through the tables.  I ended up spending $14 with 2 different dealers.  

The first dealer had a few showcase cards and a couple of boxes with $1 and assorted game used and autographed cards.  $10 got me the following lot.

I was pleased with finding 2 vintage Cardinals for $1 each.  The 1965 Topps Schoendienst is in great shape minus 1 soft corner.  The 1976 Hostess Brock does not have the best edges since it was cut so close, but that really does not bother me.  Lane Thomas is no longer with the Cardinals, but I could not pass up a 1985 auto for $3.  The Altuves were $2, and the Brubaker auto numbered to 250 was also $3.  It will be headed to Ron B later this week.

The second dealer had a couple of boxes marked $1 each, or 25 for $20.  I ended up with 4 cards for $4.

The Flaherty Scope parallel is the only card I will be keeping in this lot.  The Taillon numbered to 75 and the Gonzales numbered to 99 are also headed to Ron B.  I picked up the McCutchen jersey card with Collecting Cutch in mind.  If he does not need it, I know of a couple of Phillies collectors who might.  Hard to go wrong with a jersey card for $1.

I have to share a rather amusing exchange I had with another dealer.  He had a large box of 2022 cards not marked.  I pulled out a 2022 1987 35th Anniversary insert of Ozzie Smith and asked how much.  He stated book value was $10, so he could let it go for $5.  I have not owned a Beckett in years, but know that card is not worth $5.  I quickly put it back and moved on.  The dealer mumbled something about me being a cheap skate as I was walking away.  After I got home a quick EBAY search shows the Ozzie can be had for about $2-3 delivered.    

1 comment:

  1. Any dealer who would refer to "Book Value" or a Beckett would be a quick no in my book. Glad you walked away from it!

    You did well for $14, hope you had a good time.
